The Circle: A Review

Books, Reviews

Title: The Circle Author: Dave Eggers Genre: Science Fiction/Dystopia Quotation: “This was a new skill she’d acquired, the ability to look, to the outside world, utterly serene and even cheerful, while, in her skull, all was chaos.”  Would recommend to: anyone who questions the role social media plays in our lives.   An all knowing, all powerful global corporation […]

November 12, 2017

Feed: A Review

Books, Reviews

Title: Feed Author: M. T. Anderson Genre: Science Fiction Quotation: “We went to the moon to have fun, but the moon turned out to completely suck.” Would recommend to: anyone who is weary of the development of technology. Feed‘s book jacket describes it as a science fiction tale of two teenagers who fall in love and choose to fight the […]

August 19, 2016

2015 in a Nutshell


Happy 2016 everyone! I can’t believe 2015 is over! It seriously feels like yesterday I was counting down to it and hoping for an amazing year. I couldn’t have asked for more out of 2015. It wasn’t all good, but there were so many amazing memories I wouldn’t trade for the world. Here are my […]

January 1, 2016