Top 5 Wednesday: Best Moms

Top 5 Wednesday / Wednesday, April 27th, 2016

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Mother’s Day is just around the corner, so why not talk about some of the best maternal figures in literatures history.

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1. Molly Weasley 
from Harry Potter
She’s undoubtedly the best mother figure and handles 7 children, as well as Harry, with ease. She’s got this mothering thing down. I wouldn’t mind a trip to the Burrow myself.

2. Mindy from Eleanor and Park
She’s real, and I think that’s my favorite thing about her. She makes mistakes and apologizes for them and understands that she’s still learning. She treats Park and Eleanor well and the love between her and her husband is inspiring.

3. Natalie Prior from Divergent
Natalie is one of the strongest mother’s I have read about. She leaves her home, raises a daughter and a son, and keeps them from harm as long as she can. Then she comes out as this bad-ass who takes charge and sacrifices herself for the greater good. Natalie’s big reveal was a huge shock but showed readers what a great mom she truly was.

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4. Greg’s Mom 
from Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
I mentioned this recently in another post, but Greg’s mom is actually hilarious. She cares so much about the people around her and is truly the crazy mom we all love and adore. If it weren’t for her, there wouldn’t be a story with a dying girl at all.

5. Lorelai Gilmore 
from Gilmore Girls
Though not a true book mom, Lorelai is the mother of a bookworm, and she nourishes that love like nobody’s business. Lorelai and Rory have the mother-daughter relationship made for TV that everyone envies and adores. She knows when to be hard and when to be soft and she understands the relationship a girl can have with a book — nothing better than that.

Who are your favorite maternal figures in books? Let me know in the comments below.

Happy reading,

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